Your Guide to Winterize Your Landscaping

Winterizing your landscaping is crucial for the health and longevity of your plants and the overall appeal of your property.

In this guide from Omnia360, we’ll share the steps to ensure your landscaping thrives despite the cold temperatures.

Pruning and Trimming

One of the first tasks in winterizing your landscaping is to prune and trim your plants and trees. Remove any dead or diseased branches. They are more susceptible to breakage under the weight of snow and ice. Proper pruning promotes healthier growth in the spring and reduces the risk of winter damage.

Omnia360 recommends scheduling pruning sessions in late fall or early winter to allow plants to enter dormancy without the stress of recent cuts. 

Mulching for Insulation

A layer of mulch around the base of trees, shrubs, and perennial plants provides insulation and protection during winter. Mulch helps regulate soil temperature, preventing extreme fluctuations that can harm roots. A 2-4 inch layer of organic mulch, such as bark or compost, is ideal for retaining moisture and providing a buffer against freezing temperatures.

Related Post: Commercial Landscape Maintenance Guide

We want to emphasize the importance of keeping mulch a few inches away from the base of trees and plants to prevent rot and discourage pests.

Watering, Hydration, and Sprinkler Systems

Hydration is crucial for plant survival during winter, especially evergreens that continue to lose moisture through their leaves. Before the ground freezes, ensure your landscaping receives a thorough watering. Well-hydrated plants are better equipped to withstand winter stress and are more resilient to freezing temperatures.

Pay attention to the moisture levels throughout the winter, providing supplemental water during dry spells when the ground is not frozen.

Winterizing a Commercial Sprinkler System

This step is crucial to protect your system from freezing temperatures, which can lead to costly damage. 

Follow these steps to winterize your commercial sprinkler system:

Shut Off the Water Supply

Locate the main shut-off valve for your sprinkler system and turn it off. This valve is usually in a heated area like a utility room or basement.

Drain the System

After turning off the water supply, drain the water from the sprinkler system. Open all the drain valves and low-point drains, allowing water to flow out. Ensure that water is completely drained from the mainline, lateral lines, and all the sprinkler heads.

Open Drain Valves

Open all the drain valves and test cocks on backflow preventers. This step is crucial for preventing water from freezing inside the components.

Use Compressed Air

Connect an air compressor to the system using a proper fitting. Gradually increase the air pressure, starting from the furthest sprinkler head from the compressor. Blow out each zone separately until no water comes out of the heads. Repeat this process for each zone in the system.

Check Pressure

Monitor the air pressure during the blowout process, ensuring it stays within the recommended range for your sprinkler system. Excessive pressure can damage the system.

Inspect and Clean Sprinkler Heads

While the system is depressurized, inspect and clean all sprinkler heads. Remove any dirt, debris, or mineral buildup that may affect the system’s performance.

Protect Backflow Preventer

Wrap the backflow preventer with insulation or a thermal blanket to shield it from extreme temperatures. This is especially important as backflow preventers are sensitive to freezing conditions.

Store or Protect Components

Remove and store above-ground components, such as backflow preventers and controllers. If removal is not possible, consider insulating these parts.

Clearly label shut-off valves, backflow preventers, and other critical components. This documentation will be helpful during the spring start-up.

Monitor Weather Conditions

If unseasonably cold weather is predicted, take additional precautions, such as adding insulation or scheduling an extra blowout.

If you’re unsure about any aspect of the process or lack the necessary equipment, contact the team at Omnia360 for a thorough winterization process.

Protecting Vulnerable Plants

Some plants, especially newly planted or tender varieties, are more susceptible to winter damage. 

Protective coverings such as burlap wraps or frost blankets provide insulation while allowing air circulation, preventing heat buildup, and reducing the risk of diseases. Remove the covers during milder days to allow the plants access to sunlight and fresh air.

Snow and Ice Removal

Heavy snow can lead to bent or broken branches, especially on evergreens. Safely remove excess snow from branches using a broom to prevent damage.

Related Post: What are ‘Hard’ and ‘Soft’ Facility Management Services?

Ice accumulation is another concern, weighing down branches and causing breakage. We advise against using salt-based de-icers near plants, which can harm the soil and roots.  Environmentally friendly alternatives such as sand or calcium magnesium acetate can improve traction on icy surfaces.

When to Call in the Professionals

Winterizing landscapes may be efficiently addressed by outsourcing to a facility management company. 

Related Post: Why Your Landscaping Business Needs Facility Management

One of the primary challenges businesses face is a lack of expertise in crafting a tailored winterization plan. Omnia360 brings in professionals who can conduct thorough assessments, ensuring a customized winterization strategy.

Our team possesses the right tools and equipment for the job and prioritizes safety. We’ll address concerns about handling potentially hazardous tasks during winterization. 

Additionally, businesses deal with time constraints, making finding the necessary hours for comprehensive winterization challenging. By outsourcing this work, companies can focus on priority work without compromising their landscaping. 

Contact Omnia360 Facility Solutions for Landscape Maintenance  

Winterizing your landscaping is an investment in the long-term health of your property.  Contact us at (833) 360-6642. The team at Omnia360 provides around-the-clock, comprehensive services that work with your in-house team.

How Often Should Commercial HVAC Be Serviced?

You probably don’t think about your business’s HVAC system every day. It’s easy to take it for granted—until it falters. To ensure your commercial HVAC system operates at its best, how often should it be serviced? 

From energy efficiency to cost savings and environmental impact, we’ll share what goes into preventative care for commercial HVAC systems.

How Often Should Commercial HVAC Be Maintained? 

A general guideline is to perform routine maintenance at least twice a year.

However, the frequency of maintenance for commercial HVAC systems can vary depending on factors such as the type of system, the size of the facility, the local climate, and the business’s specific needs. 

Here is a suggested maintenance schedule.

Spring and Early Summer:

  • Check and replace air filters.
  • Inspect and clean evaporator and condenser coils.
  • Inspect and clean drain pans and condensate lines.
  • Check refrigerant levels.
  • Inspect ductwork for leaks.
  • Test thermostat operation.

Fall and Early Winter:

  • Check and replace air filters.
  • Inspect and lubricate fan motors and other moving parts.
  • Inspect and clean burners (for heating systems).
  • Check and tighten electrical connections.
  • Test the heating system.
  • Inspect the overall system for any signs of wear or damage.

Additionally, some components may require more frequent attention. For example, air filters may need to be checked and replaced more often, especially in environments with high dust or pollutant levels. 

Another consideration is how hard your HVAC system works. Are there large, wide-open spaces that utilize exhaust fans? Do you need a clean room for precision work? Are there rooms that must be kept at precise temperatures? What about rooms that get too hot or too cold due to your industrial processes? You may need quarterly maintenance or checks for special conditions.

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These are general guidelines, and specific HVAC systems may have their own recommended maintenance schedules provided by the manufacturer. Regular maintenance helps ensure the efficient operation of the HVAC system, improves energy efficiency, prolongs equipment life, and reduces the risk of unexpected breakdowns at the most inconvenient times. Establishing a routine maintenance plan and working with a qualified team can help keep your system in optimal condition.

How Long Do Commercial HVAC Systems Last?

The lifespan of a commercial HVAC system can vary depending on the type of system, its usage, the quality of installation, and the level of maintenance it receives. Commercial HVAC systems can last anywhere from 15 to 25 years on average. 

Here are some factors that can influence the lifespan of a commercial HVAC system.

Type of system: Different types of HVAC systems have different lifespans. For example, rooftop packaged units, which are common in commercial settings, typically have a lifespan of 15 to 20 years.

Maintenance: Regular and proper maintenance is crucial for extending the lifespan of an HVAC system. Routine inspections, cleaning, and timely repairs can prevent breakdowns and ensure the system operates efficiently.

Usage and load: The frequency and intensity of HVAC system usage impact its lifespan. Systems that constantly run or experience extreme temperature variations may wear out more quickly.

Installation quality: A properly installed HVAC system is likely to have a longer lifespan. Poor installation can lead to issues such as improper airflow, which can strain the system and reduce efficiency.

Technological advances: Advancements in HVAC technology may lead to more efficient and durable systems. Older systems may become outdated and less energy-efficient over time.

Environmental conditions: The climate conditions in which the HVAC system operates can affect its lifespan. For example, systems in coastal areas may be exposed to salt air, which can accelerate corrosion.

Manufacturer and model: The equipment’s quality and the manufacturer’s reputation can influence the system’s lifespan. High-quality systems from reputable manufacturers may have a longer operational life.

Businesses need to monitor the performance of their HVAC systems, conduct regular inspections, and follow a proactive maintenance plan to maximize the lifespan of the equipment. There are high-tech ways to do this with IoT devices and sensors that deliver data wirelessly to a facility management software suite.

Related Post: 6 Signs It’s Time to Replace Your Commercial HVAC System

When a system reaches the end of its lifespan or experiences frequent issues, replacing it with a newer, more efficient model may be more cost-effective. Regular consultations with HVAC professionals can help businesses decide when to repair or replace their commercial HVAC systems.

Is HVAC Preventative Maintenance worth it? 

Yes, HVAC preventative maintenance is worth it. Regular maintenance provides several benefits that can save you money in the long run and ensure the optimal performance of your HVAC system. 

Related Post: 4 Phases of Planned HVAC Maintenance Explained

Here are some key reasons why preventative maintenance is worthwhile.

  1. Energy efficiency: Regular maintenance ensures your HVAC system operates at peak efficiency. Clean coils, well-lubricated components, electrical switches and capacitors working well, and proper airflow all contribute to reduced energy consumption.
  2. Extended equipment lifespan: Routine maintenance helps identify and address potential issues before they become significant problems. This proactive approach can extend the lifespan of your HVAC equipment.
  3. Prevention of costly repairs: Small issues, if left unaddressed, can escalate into more extensive and more expensive problems. Preventative maintenance allows for the early detection and correction of issues.
  4. Improved indoor air quality: Regular cleaning and maintenance of HVAC components, such as filters and coils, improve indoor air quality. This is particularly important for commercial spaces where air quality can impact the health and productivity of occupants.
  5. Consistent comfort: A well-maintained HVAC system is better equipped to provide consistent heating or cooling throughout your facility. This is crucial for occupant comfort and can impact employee productivity and customer satisfaction.
  6. Compliance with warranty requirements: Many HVAC manufacturers require regular maintenance to maintain the warranty on their equipment. Skipping maintenance may void the warranty, leaving you responsible for repair or replacement costs.
  7. Reduced downtime: Scheduled maintenance allows for planned downtime when the system can be serviced without disrupting your business operations. 
  8. Compliance with regulations: In some jurisdictions, some rules and standards require regular maintenance of HVAC systems to ensure energy efficiency and environmental compliance.

Contact Omnia360 Facility Solutions for HVAC Maintenance

While there is a cost associated with preventative maintenance, the long-term savings and benefits outweigh the initial investment. Omnia360 provides around-the-clock, comprehensive, preventative maintenance services that work with your in-house team. Contact us at (833) 360-6642.

Commercial Janitorial Services and Facility Solutions


In well-done facility management, a clean and hygienic environment is a necessity. 

Commercial spaces like offices, healthcare facilities, retail establishments, or educational institutions require a comprehensive approach to their upkeep. This is where commercial janitorial services step into the spotlight as an essential part of integrated facility solutions. 

Omnia360, in Cincinnati, Ohio, explains the significance of commercial janitorial services and how they contribute to a safe, healthy, and efficient working environment.

The Foundation of Integrated Facility Solutions

Integrated facility solutions mean a holistic approach to managing a commercial space, including maintenance and energy management. Commercial janitorial services are foundational in this approach by providing a well-functioning and pleasant environment. 

Related Post: What are ‘Hard’ and ‘Soft’ Facility Management Services?

A clean and well-maintained space supports employees’ and customers’ health, productivity, and satisfaction.

Advantages of Commercial Janitorial Services

Health and Hygiene: The COVID-19 pandemic has shown the importance of maintaining a clean and hygienic environment. 

Commercial janitorial services follow protocols to ensure that surfaces, high-touch areas, and shared spaces are regularly sanitized and disinfected. This proactive approach minimizes the spread of germs, reducing the risk of illnesses among occupants.

Positive first impressions: First impressions matter, especially for businesses that welcome clients or customers into their spaces. A well-maintained and clean environment speaks volumes about a company’s commitment to professionalism.

Occupant comfort and productivity: A clutter-free workspace contributes to occupant comfort and productivity. Employees are more likely to thrive in an organized and tidy environment.

Sustainable practices: Commercial janitorial services can adopt sustainable cleaning practices, using eco-friendly products and implementing waste reduction strategies. 

Customized solutions: Different spaces have unique cleaning needs.  Omnia360’s janitorial services can be tailored to meet the specific requirements of different industries, ensuring that the cleaning protocols address the distinct challenges each sector faces.

Compliance and safety: Certain industries, such as healthcare and food services, must adhere to strict cleanliness and sanitation standards to comply with regulations. Our services are aware of industry-specific requirements and can help businesses maintain compliance.

Strategies for Effective Integration

Integrating commercial janitorial services into facility management services requires strategic planning and coordination. Here’s how to make the most of this integration:

Related Post: Enhancing Efficiency: Industrial Plants & Integrated Facility Solutions

  • Assessment: We’ll begin by thoroughly evaluating the facility’s cleaning needs. Identify high-traffic areas, specific sanitation requirements, and any challenges that must be addressed.
  • Tailored Solutions: We’ll collaborate to develop customized cleaning solutions that align with your facility’s usage patterns, industry regulations, and budget constraints.
  • Communication and Collaboration: Effective communication is critical to successful integration.
  • Technology Integration: Omnia360’s team can leverage technology to enhance communication and streamline processes. Digital platforms can facilitate scheduling, track cleaning activities, and report real-time issues or discrepancies.
  • Training and Development: We’ll ensure the janitorial team is well-trained in equipment usage and safety protocols. A well-trained team enhances efficiency and the quality of service provided.

A More Efficient Business 

Learn more about Omnia360’s integrated facility management services or request a FREE assessment.

HVAC Commercial Maintenance for Restaurants

Anyone who’s worked in a kitchen can vouch for the heat. In a commercial environment especially, it’s necessary for both the safety and comfort of employees and diners to keep a well-maintained HVAC system. 

Learn from the experts at Omnia360 how to keep up HVAC maintenance to keep your business running smoothly and your staff comfortable and healthy. 

Why Should I Use HVAC Commercial Maintenance Services in My Restaurant?  

In food service settings, the restaurant must meet specific HVAC system standards.

In a restaurant, especially, air quality and temperature control are essential. With equipment like ovens and stoves turned on for hours, kitchens can get hot! To keep your kitchen staff comfortable on the job, it’s essential to keep a regular schedule of HVAC maintenance. 

Air quality is another critical factor in keeping your kitchen safe. In an environment where smoke can be expected, proper ventilation is necessary. 

Keeping the air quality of your restaurant in check is another vital factor in keeping your kitchen standards high. When an air conditioner begins to break down, you might notice increased humidity levels. In turn, this humidity can contribute to mold

Indoor humidity should be kept as low as possible in a food service environment, and a functioning HVAC system keeps indoor air quality at an acceptable level.  

Hard facility management services can be an excellent tool for restaurant owners to keep their businesses running smoothly. “Hard” facility management services refer to maintenance and repair work integrated into the business’s infrastructure. 

Related Post: What Are Hard and Soft Facilities Management Services

Regular upkeep of your establishment lowers the risk of replacing entire systems later. It reduces the hassle of booking repair appointments at the last minute or during an emergency. 

A Working HVAC Saves Your Business Money 

A regularly maintained commercial HVAC system can lead to significant savings! 

Keeping an eye on your business’s utility bills is also an excellent way to see if it may be time to replace a poorly-performing HVAC unit. If your bills appear to jump up in cost out of seemingly nowhere, it could be due to the age of the system or damaged components, which use more energy than necessary. 

In order to keep your energy costs low, it’s essential to consider consistent HVAC maintenance. 

Related Post: 4 Types of Planned HVAC Maintenance Explained 

In the long term, an entire HVAC system replacement will save you money and be more energy-efficient. 

Looking for HVAC Commercial Maintenance Services in Cincinnati?

If you’re looking for 24/7 comprehensive HVAC, plumbing, and electrical maintenance for your office building, all from a single source, consider partnering with Omnia360 in Cincinnati, Ohio: (833) 360-6642.

How Omnia360 is the Complete Solution for Cincinnati Businesses

Efficiency is the name, and how to maximize it is the constant question companies are asking themselves. For many, it is the difference between falling behind and getting ahead of competitors. 


Omnia360 understands this, and we work hard to provide competitive facility solutions to each of our customers. In today’s blog, we’ll discuss how we are your business’ complete facility solution. 


What Are Facility Solutions?

Facility Solutions is another term for Facility Management. According to an article released by Sandra Tranchard with the International Organization for Standardization, “Professional facilities management, as an interdisciplinary business function, aims to coordinate the demand and supply of facilities and services within public and private organizations,” (Tranchard, ISO). 


The facility solutions industry is both multifaceted and fast-growing. Businesses around the world are seeking a third-party provider to handle their groundskeeping, daily facility maintenance, project management, and consultations on HVAC standardization. 


Omnia360 specializes in all of these areas of expertise, and we are happy to work with you to fulfill your business needs as your third-party facility solution provider. We know well-integrated facility solutions are key to success.


Technology In Facility Solutions

Digital third-party facility solutions are also fast-growing, and are often outsourced by businesses who need a 24/7 service to be available to answer their calls. 


Offering third-party solutions through our 24/7 service line is something Omnia360 works hard to provide to each of our customers. Our digital service professionals are trained expertly in site maintenance and care that is specific to your company.


Outsourcing Facility Solutions

Outsourcing is the most efficient way to meet the needs of your day-to-day business operations while receiving the most knowledgeable help possible. 


Omnia360 is a third-party solution provider for day-to-day business operations. We specialize in providing HVAC assistance, project management, and various other facility solutions such as onsite management. 


We consult with each customer on their direct needs, and the most efficient path to meet them.

Omnia360 Provides Progressive Facility Solutions 

Omnia360 works to provide progressive facility solutions for all of our clients. We are your third-party facility solution provider that utilizes data to inform our decision-making process, so we can best provide for your company’s needs on all matters. 


To learn more about our products and services, please get in touch with us online, or give us a call at 833.360.6642. We’re looking forward to hearing from you.


How Omnias360’s Approach Connects With Integrated Facility Solutions

Outsourcing is becoming more popular by the day because of the efficiency involved with paying money to a company for a job that the primary service provider might not specialize in. In the world of facility management, outsourcing is crucial, especially for our team at Omnia360. In today’s blog, we’ll explain how we embrace integrated facility solutions for our clients. 


We are the Integrated Facility Solution

As a company, we specialize in being the company our clients outsource their facility management needs to. We focus on providing a one-stop service solution experience for all of our clients so that they can focus on day-to-day operations. 


Project Management

Our team that focuses on project management will consult your company to execute onsite projects or find the best service solution for you. If you’re facing a staffing shortage or transition, we have your facility management solutions in mind and will work with you. Our team is full of industry experts who are data and results-driven in their decision-making. 


Site-Based Solutions

If you require a team of highly skilled service technicians, HVAC techs, or groundskeeping team members, we can have them there quickly. Our team can stay on-site for as long or as little as your contract requires. We also offer a service line so that we can be there anytime. 


Mobile Solutions

If you’re not quite settled on an onsite team, we’re happy to provide our mobile solutions line to your business. Our team of mobile technicians provides onsite staff expertise with the convenience of a mobile solution. We are available and just a call away.


Omnia360 Integrates Facility Management With Efficient Operations

Our data-driven team of industry experts focuses on the most efficient pathway to helping your business achieve the most optimal facility solutions possible. 


If you’re interested in receiving a collaborative solution, project management, mobile, or site-based solutions, we’d love to hear from you! To learn more about our products and services, please get in touch with us online, or give us a call at 833.360.6642. We’re looking forward to hearing from you.

Outsourcing is becoming more popular by the day because of the efficiency involved with paying a company money to do a job that the primary service provider might not specialize in. In the world of facility management, outsourcing is crucial, especially for our team at Omnia360. In today’s blog, we’ll explain how we embrace integrated facility solutions for our clients. 


We are the Integrated Facility Solution

As a company, we specialize in being the company our clients outsource their facility management needs to. We focus on providing a one-stop service solution experience for all of our clients so that they can focus on day-to-day operations. 


Project Management

Our team that focuses on project management will consult your company to execute onsite projects or find the best service solution for you. If you’re facing a staffing shortage or transition, we have your facility management solutions in mind and will work with you. Our team is full of industry experts who are data and results-driven in their decision-making. 


Site-Based Solutions

If you require a team of highly skilled service technicians, HVAC techs, or groundskeeping team members, we can have them there quickly. Our team can stay on-site for as long or as little as your contract requires. We also offer a service line so that we can be there anytime. 


Mobile Solutions

If you’re not quite settled on an onsite team, we’re happy to provide our mobile solutions line to your business. Our team of mobile technicians provides onsite staff expertise with the convenience of a mobile solution. We are available and just a call away.


Omnia360 Integrates Facility Management With Efficient Operations

Our data-driven team of industry experts focuses on the most efficient pathway to helping your business achieve the most optimal facility solutions possible. 


If you’re interested in receiving a collaborative solution, project management, mobile, or site-based solutions, we’d love to hear from you! To learn more about our products and services, please get in touch with us online, or give us a call at 833.360.6642. We’re looking forward to hearing from you.