Is Your Facility Ready For The Return To Office This Fall? Omnia360 Weighs In

The return to work has been long anticipated by workers across the country. Work from home is a viable option for many individuals seeking to personalize their daily routine. However, not all workers benefit from the isolated atmosphere of a home environment. Many parents find it is more beneficial to isolate their work environment from home to allow for compartmentalization of the stress of work from the relaxation of family. 


This being said, all options are right as long as they work for you! In today’s blog, Omnia360 will discuss the best ways to tackle the transition back to the office for those who favor a day-to-day workplace. 


Regulate Your Sleep Schedule

When we are not dedicated to a daily routine, it is likely our sleep patterns reflect that lack of routine. Sleeping at odd hours to accommodate the restless state of mind that can come with combining your living and home environment can be detrimental to the transition back to the office work environment. 


Putting away all devices one hour before bedtime, and focusing on calming and mindful techniques to relax is highly recommended to fall asleep at a regular time. You’ll thank yourself the next day at work when you are rested and ready to take on the day!


Redecorate Your Work Space

Your work space can feel impersonal after a long absence from the office environment. Omnia360 recommends decorating your area with personal photos that complement your personality. Throw up a few photos of your kids, partner, or friends to give your work space a homey feel.


Adding in familiar elements from home will help relieve the anxious energy associated with your transition back to the office. It’ll also help your in-office space stand out from what can feel like mundane decorating procedures determined by corporate. 


Take It Slow

More than anything it’s important to internally check-in with yourself as you adjust back to your in-office workspace. Omnia360 understands that displacement can occur when workers change their atmosphere after a stressful season of working in isolation. We want to support you as you adjust back to the dynamics of the daily office environment. Having regular check-ins with your boss and coworkers, and investing in the ‘now’ of the moment will help with these feelings as they arise. 


Omnia360 Cares About The Return To Office Transition

We understand that the return to in-person office work requires a more hands-on approach to day-to-day worker operations and needs. Omnia360 wants to support your business during this time by assisting with daily groundskeeping, onsite maintenance, and facility management solutions. Contact us today if you are interested in receiving additional assistance with your onsite facility needs. 

How Tech is Disrupting the World of Facility Management

Innovations in the technological world aid corporations to integrate facility solutions into their software systems under one platform; technology is all-encompassing and ever-changing. Management teams are tasked with the goals to reduce costs and improve business operations. How does technology fit into this notion, and what forms of technology apply to integrated facility solutions? To remain successful in this digital age, staying up-to-date with technological devices and trends is imperative in propelling your business towards success. In today’s blog by Omnia360, we discuss how technology is integrating into facility solutions. 


Artificial Intelligence and Automation


AI technologies like voice recognition perform automated controls that popularize the software solution industry as we know it. Machine learning enables the apparatus to listen, understand, and perform voice-operated tasks for future results and learn predictive measures. These technologies complement analytical software to draw reports, analyze, and store data faster than the average human. AI advancement fosters work efficiency and rapid processes, allowing team leaders to understand the software if issues or defects arise proactively. 


Project Management Apps 


Project management software helps maintain the workforce needs and promotes rapid responses to complex and straightforward concerns. Project management apps work well with facility solutions because it integrates the entire team under one communicative platform. This technology improves work experience by reducing confusion and providing quick access to a supervisor or department head. Team network applications accelerate operational fluidity and allow the team to plan. 


Augmented Reality 


Augmented reality is advancing facility solutions by changing the blueprinting and visualization dynamic. AR applications create an immersive digital realm portraying 3D images to showcase what a wall or structure will look like in the physical world. Imagine taking a picture of a living room and through AR dragging and dropping the exact 3D image of your dream couch? In a simplified sense, technology integration solves facility management to achieve cost reduction and promotes productivity. 


Integration Tips With Omnia360 


Facility management is more than just service; it is a skill that we dedicate to our business model. We offer project management, landscaping, facility management, and more. We design our services to help business owners focus less on micromanagement and focus more on core business values. Contact us today to learn more about how we integrate facility solutions software for better business metrics.  


How To Fight Fatigue In The World Of Facility Management, Omnia360 Explains

Work fatigue is overlooked as a risk factor in the work environment when it determines an employee’s performance level. 


Without proper sleep, our bodies shut down and impair our ability to carry out tasks efficiently. Statistics show that in the short term, work fatigue due to stress or lack of sleep raises cortisol levels causing high blood pressure and obesity, negatively impacts mood, and increases the likelihood of work or car-related accidents. 


Covid-19 impaired the health of thousands of employees alone in 2020, causing healthy employees to make up for being short-staffed by working overtime. Being awake for a particular time can cause hallucinations, memory loss, or organ failure. In today’s blog by Omnia360, we demonstrate ways to fight fatigue in the workplace and the world of facility management. 


Always Sleep 8-9 Hours Per Night


Getting enough sleep may seem like an obvious solution, but based on a study by the Sleep Foundation, 35% of adults report sleeping less than 7 hours per night. Lack of sleep is a direct contributor to workplace fatigue, increasing the chances of work errors and poor quality. Adequate sleep is essential in the world of facility management since it involves many systems integrated into one. When one structure crumbles, the entire foundation falls. Sticking to a strict schedule is one way to combat work fatigue while disciplining yourself to make healthier choices. 


Add Natural Energizing Supplements into Your Diet


Incorporating foods and multi-vitamins into your diet fights fatigue and fulfills your daily nutritional intake. Magnesium and iron are two supplements, when taken together, boost energy and improve sleep. Magnesium and iron are abundant throughout the body, supporting nerve and cellular function. On average, humans do not get enough nutrients to fulfill their daily requirements. Vitamins high in magnesium, iron, and B12 help fight fatigue and keep you energized throughout the day. Foods that also supply energy include:


  • Bananas
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Eggs
  • Chia seeds
  • Cashews
  • Fish


Staying hydrated also reduces workplace fatigue and maintains cellular processes. Gatorade is an excellent replenishing drink option for those individuals who work outdoors in the sunlight. 


Take Breaks In Between Tasks


Give yourself a break in between tasks to reset your mind and body. Working non-stop is impossible. Taking a 10-15 minute break improves work efficiency more than working straight through, which increases the probability of work mistakes. Stop what you’re doing, take a deep breath and rest your body before heading back to your tasks. 


Wake Your Brain With Exercise


Exercise releases a chemical reaction in your brain that triggers post-workout elevation. Jogging in place for a few minutes or stretching prepares your brain for physical activity, pumping blood to the brain and elevating mood. A few small exercises to combat workplace fatigue include:


  • Climbing the stairs
  • Walking
  • Wall Sits
  • Lunge Stretches 


Speak to Your Supervisor 


If you are too exhausted to properly perform your duties, inform your supervisor or lead person right away. Health is far more important than one day of missed work. Check your work deadlines and work your load. If it’s a project that you can finish remotely, let your team know or go back early the next day to get ahead of your tasks. 


Fight Fatigue With Omnia360  


At Omnia360, we understand the importance of fighting fatigue in the facility management world. There are many moving parts to a sustainable business that requires more work than one person can handle on their own. This is where our team comes in, we focus on delivering facility management solutions, so our customers can focus on the core needs of their business. Don’t burn out; stay fresh and ready to go with the help of Omnia360. Contact us today for more information on how we may provide better service to your business. 

Omnia360 Explains Integrated Facility Solutions In The Context of Facility Management

Integrated facility solutions refer to consolidating multiple services under one contracted managerial software solution or management team. Consolidation of services as a field ranges from operations, project management, and financial constructs to HVAC control, electrical maintenance, or aesthetic lawn care. 


Implementing these services under one system would improve efficiency throughout the facility, creating a domino effect of production and employee satisfaction. In today’s blog by Omnia360, we dive into the benefits of integrated facility solutions and their impact on facility management. 


Reduced Costs


Cost reduction is one of the single most essential components of running a smooth and efficient business. Consolidation of work yields ten times more revenue and business profits due to minimized labor and reduction of vendor costs. Imagine being in the position of a business owner responsible for hiring a team for plumbing, HVAC, operations, project management, and electrical.


All of these areas of need are equivalent to hands reaching into a jar. The more hands inside the pot, the less visibility there is. This concept makes it hard to allocate proper material budgeting and effectively oversee multiple departments. Integrated facility management cuts out the middleman and delegates these tasks under one team, increasing productivity and decreasing operations costs.  


Team and Internal Community Building 


There is nothing like a constructive team to establish significant values like effective communication, joint goal-setting, and conflict resolution. Integrated facility solutions build community and rapport within the workplace. 


Clear communications set the foundation for the entire system and places all team members on the same page. Work unions, focus groups, surveys, team meetings, and reviews are components of integrated facility solutions to foster relationships and align everyone’s goals with the workplace mission. 


A Smooth Facility Management Workflow 


Integrated facility solutions seamlessly weave all duties and systematic frameworks under one process for a smooth and steady workflow. This workflow increases efficiency and clarifies performance goals amongst contractors and executive groups. 


Research is essential before commencing the transition to an integrated system. Understanding each department’s needs and work process identifies which areas are performing at maximum proficiency and areas that require more polishing. 


Software Integration and Technological Advancement


Technology plays a vital role in an integrated facility solutions system. Technological platforms can integrate all facility management software under one platform to improve the production and accessibility of information like records, work requests, and analytics. 


The use of an integrated tech system keeps all departments up-to-date on new reports and business metrics, preventing confusion or conflicts from multiple departments under different platforms.  


Omnia360 on Integrated Facility Solutions


We specialize in optimized resolutions like integrated facility solutions for improved operations and facility management. At Omnia360, we handle managerial duties, so business owners don’t have to. 


Our services range from facility maintenance like electrical and software system implementation to project management like hiring employees and budget planning. We will ensure you meet your goals every time, backed by a reliable team that values progress. Contact us to learn more about how our team can better yours or speak to a representative immediately by calling 833.360.6642. 

Why You Should Outsource Your Site Based Team, Omnia360 Explains

Outsourcing saves time on tasks that generally require hiring an in-house team to work and manage your business operations. There are many pros to outsourcing, like immediate access to individuals with the proper skills, staffing flexibility, strategy focus, and more. Outsourcing has grown in popularity in the business sector over the past decade. With a quality team to handle your project management, facility maintenance, and simple to complex business processes, outsourcing allows more time and focus on what matters most in the workspace. In today’s blog by Omnia360, we present a few of the significant benefits of outsourcing your site-based team. 


Save Money 


Assigning project-based tasks to various individuals is less complicated than hiring a permanent full-time in-house staff. Businesses save hundreds to thousands of dollars on minor-league outsourcing work to individuals like designers, freelancers, independent contractors, and other individually managed roles. This allows business owners to adhere to smaller budgets and only pay for what they need for their trade. 


Focus on Business Values


Although teams are essential assets for business efficiency, hiring a full-staffed group is costly and time-consuming. For small-time corporations just getting off the ground, bringing in a team is the last priority based on budget, the amount of work available, and realistic business expectations. Finding task-based personnel simplifies production maintenance. As a business owner, freedom and flexibility allow you to focus on scaling company profits and future success. 


Get Tasks Rapidly Accomplished 


Outsourcing tasks typically means working with a limited staff to get things done quickly. Sometimes, there are too many moving parts and opinions in a large corporation, leading to delayed deadlines. Freelancers or third-party management teams understand the need for rapid production and working around the clock. 


Work With Knowledgeable Experts 


As a CEO, outsourcing allows you to directly network with niche individuals who are experts in the tasks you seek. It is easier to find one expert professionally equipped to handle your operational needs than an entire staff who does not fully comprehend how to execute a business goal in its totality. No one is perfect at everything, so finding someone who excels benefits you and your overall business scheme. 


Let Omnia 360 Handle Your Daily Business Operations 


We offer site-based staff to handle your company logistics, project management, and facility sustainment. Omnia 360 creates optimized solutions to meet your evolving needs. For more information, contact us online or call us at 833.360.6642 

Why Hiring Third Party Facility Management For Project Management is a Good Idea

Regarding maintaining an established business operation, the first question that comes to mind is, why would a facility outsource or hire a third-party facility to delegate its project management tasks? The number one answer to this question is convenience and goal achievement. As a business owner, it is essential to hire resourceful people with the skills you lack or a team that can maximize business efficiency without affecting the core business level. 


Hiring a third-party facility management team reduces costs, adds company value, and increases productivity. In today’s blog by Omnia360, we discuss why hiring a facility management team for project management needs is a great idea. 


Focus on the Core Business


When companies outsource their project management tasks to third-party companies, they are more focused on the core goals of their business and how to steer the company in that positive direction. Project management involves team coordination, data gathering, team building, business strategizing, and more. Third-party project management is more beneficial to business when leaders consistently keep the team aligned with their project goals. Companies place a significant amount of trust in project management teams to execute the tasks at hand without error, doing whatever it takes to meet the needs and deadlines of the company. 


Related Post: Project Management vs Facility Management


Increased Savings and Cost Reduction 

Project management teams offer integrated value and services concerning management and increased performance. A lot goes into project management beyond task maintenance and team accountability; there is real estate, facility maintenance, employee services, and more. Consolidating these tasks and business needs into the hands of one team reduces costs and allows businesses to save more on time and labor. This is massively beneficial for growing businesses or startups looking to streamline their budget. 


Multi-Service Management

It is necessary to find a third party that effectively communicates and comprehends the team and your facility’s business structure. An effective project management team offers many services like a site-based staff to fulfill and improve facility maintenance, foundational needs like plumbing or HVAC, and supplying resources for digital automation to keep every worker involved on task and informed of any changes in a quick and responsive timeframe.


As you can tell, hiring a third-party for PM services is incredibly useful to your bottom line. But the benefits of teaming up with an experienced facility management company doesn’t end there. Check out our related blog post on the top five signs your company needs facility management services ASAP.

Omnia360 is Your Number One Trusted Project Management Provider 

At Omnia360, we believe in tradition you can trust. With our dedicated team of experienced facility management staff, you can rest easy knowing your daily operations are in the hands of a flexible team that cares. If you require a project manager for an ongoing monthly business project, contact us online or call us at 833.360.6642