What Is Sick Building Syndrome?

Few issues are as important as the health and well-being of customers and employees. 

One threat to your company’s health is sick-building syndrome (SBS). Partnering with a team like Omnia360 means creating safe indoor environments that foster productivity, comfort, and health. 

What Is Sick Building Syndrome?

Sick building syndrome describes symptoms experienced by people who spend time in one building or area of the building without any identifiable cause. 

These symptoms can include headaches, dizziness, fatigue, nausea, and irritation of the eyes, nose, or throat. While the exact cause of SBS is often elusive, it’s widely attributed to poor indoor air quality and other environmental factors within the building.

What Causes Sick Building Syndrome?

Several factors contribute to the development of sick building syndrome:

Poor Indoor Air Quality

Inadequate ventilation can increase indoor pollutants, including volatile organic compounds (VOCs), mold spores, and other allergens. These contaminants can trigger respiratory issues and exacerbate existing health conditions.

Biological Contaminants

Damp, humid environments are an ideal breeding ground for mold, bacteria, and other biological contaminants. Exposure to mold and bacteria can lead to respiratory problems and allergic reactions, contributing to SBS symptoms.

Chemical Pollutants

Certain building materials, furnishings, and cleaning products release chemicals into the air, known as off-gassing. Prolonged exposure to chemicals can cause respiratory irritation and other health issues.

Poor Ergonomics and Comfort

Inadequate lighting, uncomfortable temperatures, and poorly designed workspaces can contribute to discomfort and fatigue, exacerbating SBS symptoms like headaches.

How Can Facility Management Services Prevent Sick Building Syndrome?

Sick building syndrome is multifaceted, so the best approach to tackling unhealthy indoor environments is a holistic facility management strategy. 

Here’s how our services can help prevent SBS:

1. HVAC services: Our experienced technicians conduct regular maintenance and inspections of HVAC systems to ensure performance and indoor air quality are up to standards. 

These services include cleaning and replacing air filters, checking for leaks or ductwork issues, and calibrating thermostat settings for comfort and efficiency.

Related Post: How Often Should Commercial HVAC be Serviced? 

2. Cleaning services: We employ eco-friendly cleaning practices and products to eliminate dust, dirt, and other contaminants from indoor surfaces. 

To minimize the risk of SBS-causing pollutants, comprehensive janitorial services encompass all building areas, including high-touch surfaces, carpets, upholstery, and ventilation systems.

3. Indoor air quality monitoring: We utilize advanced monitoring technology to assess indoor air quality levels and identify potential sources of contamination. 

Monitoring key indicators such as humidity, temperature, and particulate matter concentrations can address issues before they escalate and impact occupant health.

4. Plumbing maintenance and leak detection: Plumbing maintenance prevents moisture buildup and water damage, which leads to mold growth and indoor air quality issues.

The team at Omnia360 conducts regular inspections of plumbing systems to identify leaks or water damage in pipes, fixtures, and surrounding areas. Proactive measures such as installing moisture sensors and leak detection systems can provide early warning of potential plumbing issues.

Contact Omnia360

Contact us at (833) 360-6642 to learn more about our comprehensive facility management services. We’ll help you create indoor environments that promote productivity and comfort.

4 Facility Management Services You Didn’t Know You Needed

Daily maintenance can be a hassle financially and time-wise. We understand that here at Omnia360

We do our best to make sure your small business, restaurant, corporate office, hospital, factory, or facility remains clean so you don’t have to worry about the hassle. 

We are a professional facility management company, and we offer a variety of much-needed services for the business world. In today’s blog, our experts will talk about four facilities management services you didn’t know you needed. 

Window Washing

Cleaning large windows is tedious, so why not hire a company that specializes in professional commercial window cleaning services? Here at Omnia360, we focus on providing one point of contact for your services. We schedule our team to be on site during times that are not distracting for your employees, and we ensure our team prioritizes safety. We know window washing specialists who will make your place look great. 

Trash Collection

Not all trash collection is included with your site’s utility bill. If your office wants to recycle the leftover paper or have appropriate bins for the various recycling methods, then they’ll likely need to be provided by a facility management company. Our team will go through after hours and collect all of your waste to be taken to the waste management facility for you. It is convenient, simple, and efficient.

Air Filter Changes

Commercial air filters should be changed three to four times yearly. Believe it or not, this actually has to be performed by an individual that is licensed to look over your HVAC system and remove any debris that could be cycling into your employee workspaces. Hiring a facility management company to handle this for your company is the best route.

An office HVAC system is large and requires a lot of care. Having a third party that is specialized to perform seasonal maintenance is the best avenue to go for both insurance reasons and cost-effectiveness.

Safety Inspections

Did you know that you should be doing site-oriented safety inspections monthly? Did you know that quarterly inspections for the entire facility are mandatory for a business? 

They definitely both are. If you’re wondering what your inspection should look like, just ask OSHA. They are the administration responsible for health and safety across all of the business world in the U.S. 

Having a facility management team to care for the inspection requirements your company will have to meet to remain OSHA-compliant will keep your space open and legal for your employees to thrive within. 

Related Post: 7 Questions to Ask When Hiring a Facility Management Company

Omnia360 on Facility Management Services

Our team at Omnia360 focuses on implementing integrated facility management solutions for your building. We’ll answer all of your questions, communicate openly with you, and develop the right facility management plan for site care and compliance for your business. Contact Omnia360 or call toll-free 1-833-360-6642 for more information.