How to Save Money on Your Commercial Facility’s Cooling Bills This Summer
The costs of cooling a commercial facility can be extremely high but keeping employees and patrons comfortable is typically a high priority among business owners. If high energy costs are a concern for you, there are several ways you can save money on your building’s cooling expenses this summer. Even if your commercial building isn’t built with the most energy-efficient building materials, these tips from Omnia360 Facility Solutions can help prevent unnecessary energy spending.
Program the thermostat
If you haven’t done it already, program your facility’s thermostat to coincide with working hours and peak seasons. If you keep the thermostat at 70 degrees Fahrenheit during the summer months, consider turning it up to 72 degrees Fahrenheit. The temperature difference won’t be noticeable, but you’ll still save a significant amount on cooling expenses.
Clean vents
Dust and dirt buildup can make it difficult for your HVAC system to breathe. For your system to work correctly, it should be regularly cleaned and clear of dust and debris. To accomplish this, you can establish a monthly HVAC cleaning task list or add it to your existing cleanliness procedures.
Prioritize proper sealing and insulation
If you have a properly insulated and sealed commercial facility, you can reduce your energy output by up to 10 percent, which is a significant amount of money saved over time. If your building is already insulated, an HVAC contractor can recommend improvements to your existing insulation to provide cost benefits.
Invest in an energy-efficient HVAC system
This may not be a financially viable solution for all businesses, but investing in an energy-efficient HVAC system can reduce your cooling costs dramatically if you have the budget and your energy consumption is very high. This is especially true if your commercial facility is outfitted with older HVAC equipment.
Schedule annual maintenance
Scheduling bi-annual maintenance inspections and tune-ups will ensure that the HVAC equipment in your commercial facility is working as efficiently as possible. It can also prevent costly repairs and replacement costs by catching issues early on.
Want a Pro to Take a Look at Your Commercial Facility’s HVAC Equipment?
Contact Omnia360 Facility Solutions for professional recommendations and maintenance services that will help reduce your cooling expenses this summer. We provide customized services and packages to save you time and money.